Please read prior to booking:
- We do not accept NJ Family Plans, Medicare or Medicaid . Effective 5/30/23, we will no longer accept United Healthcare (UHC); this includes all plans under UHC such as Oxford. We are designated Tier 2 for Omnia Health insurance; please check your plan. We accept most other major plans; please confirm our status as a participating provider with your insurance plan before booking
- If required, obtain a referral and bring it to your appointment.
- NEW PATIENT FORMS should be completed for each new patient.
- Medications to avoid prior to allergy testing: 1 week for long-acting antihistamines, 3 days for benadryl.
- The appointment notes field is not monitored for questions, requests or medical information.
- Enter patient’s name (parent’s contact information for minors). SMS text & email can be used for appointment confirmations/reminders; please contact us if you have questions or to opt-out.
- If booking for more than 1 patient, list additional patient names in the appointment notes field.
- You are welcome to check back for sooner appointments as the schedule changes weekly.
Existing patients are also encouraged to schedule appointments online, with the following exceptions: patients in need of prompt attention, scheduling a food challenge or arranging an immunotherapy shot schedule should all call the office.
Existing patients needing to update personal OR insurance information or not having been seen in the office within the last 12 months should complete a new REGISTRATION FORM in advance of their visit.
Telemedicine options available. If telemedicine is preferred, all forms must be submitted beforehand (see SECURE UPLOADS below); also see the right-hand margin for our TELEMEDICINE waiting room.